Published on August 19th, 2013 | by Mark Smith
Full Tilt Poker Claims to Open 16th September, 2013
Following an extremely long period of time, the United States Justice Department eventually appointed refund administrators, Garden City Group, to assist the long-suffering United States resident Full Tilt Poker players in recovering the money that is owing to them.
Although Poker Stars players in the United States were refunded their money immediately after Black Friday, United States Full Tilt poker players have not been so lucky and have as yet not received any refund.
Last Friday the administrators appointed by the United States Justice Department posted an advisory on Full Tilt Poker’s Claims website informing interested parties that they would be emailing Notices to all potentially eligible claimants who have been identified by them by using data that was supplied to them by Full Tilt. The emails will be sent as from 16th September, 2013, and will give claimants instructions on how to submit an online Petition for Remission. At the close of the claim submission period, eligible claimants will receive their payments electronically.
The Garden City Group updated its Full Tilt Poker claims website on 1st August, 2013, with the news that the amount that claimants will be paid back will be determined by their balances as of 15th April, 2011.
It is not yet certain whether US players will be refunded the full balance of their Full Tilt accounts or only a percentage on the dollar.